New vegas change race
New vegas change race

new vegas change race

Furthermore, due to limited-at-best non-player character interaction, almost all side-quests are unavailable. It is possible to complete the game as an idiot, but most side-quests are impossible to do, and character growth is limited, as is the story involvement possible - while you can certainly bumble through the main quests, almost all plot details and background information will be left missing. If you have a low Intelligence, many non-player characters will simply shrug you off, while others will insult or even attack you.

new vegas change race

One of the unique qualities of Fallout and Fallout 2 was the difference in gameplay caused by creating a low Intelligence character. Modifies: the number of new Skill Points per level, dialogue options, and many skills. 3.3 Intelligence in quests and exploration.1 Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics.

New vegas change race