Mount and blade couched lance
Mount and blade couched lance

Do quests for them, clear out nearby bandit hideouts if possible.

mount and blade couched lance

  • Look for villages with powerful landowners.
  • In short, in order to recruit troops from the noble upgrade lines that upgrade to tier 6:
  • Getting a unit to tier 6 takes quite a bit of experience.
  • Power rating on characters isn’t fully in your control.
  • Requires running back and forth between settlements.
  • While much more consistent than recruiting those units from among prisoners that you’ve taken or rescued from the enemy, this method still has some problems:
  • Mark the villages that have Powerful landowners and revisit them whenever you’re in the area.
  • Doing quest will also unlock more recruitment slots. For the character to be considered ‘Powerful’ they need at least 200 power rating. By doing quest for them, their power rating will gradually increase – typically by 5 per quest.
  • You can also create more ‘Powerful’ landowners.
  • If the character meeting the requirements is only offering standard troops, you can buy them out (you can disband them right away) to force them to “refresh” their troops inventory.
  • Since meeting the mentioned conditions only creates the possibility of landowners offering elites, we want to increase the odds in our favour. Usually only the last 2-3 slots will have elite troops however. Here, Culharn of Lindorn is offering 6 troops from Battoniam Fian Champion line, at various upgrade levels.Īnd here Urios of Nideon is offering 6 troops from Imperial Elite Cataphract line That being said, all slots have at least some chance of offering elites: The chance seems to increase on further slots that require more relations to unlock. When those 2 conditions are met, the character has a CHANCE of offering rare units instead of regulars. You can see a character’s power and type by hovering mouse over their portrait, as highlighted here: In order for a village, or more specifically a character in a village, to be eligible for offering elite noble units, they must meet 2 requirements:
  • That being said, there’s a way of acquiring them somewhat regularly from villages, provided you know where to look for.
  • Unfortunately, they’re also harder to recruit.
  • Battanian Fian Champion with 280 Bow skill is a significantly better archer than Aserai Master Archer with 130 Bow skill, for example.
  • Since noble units available to each faction upgrade up to tier 6 at which they have skill levels reaching up to 280, they’re much better than ‘regulars’.

  • Mount and blade couched lance